Clogged drains and slowly draining toilets and showers are disheartening for every homeowner. When your shower, sinks, and entire plumbing system fail to work correctly, they can result in expenses you didn't expect. As such, to avoid spending money on expensive plumbing repairs and maintenance, embrace these expert drain cleaning tips.
Installing Effluent Filters
Unlike other drain filters, effluent filters have a unique design that protects your draining system and field. They allow cleaner effluent to exit the drain tanks while holding elements that could cause clogging and slower drainage. This elimination prevents solid components and mineral deposits from passing through your plumbing drains, keeping them free from clogs and blockage.
Effluent filters quickly catch any solids that go into the drain line even after passing through the sink or toilet. Also, they prevent fluid like grease from causing backup problems. So, install effluent filters to properly clean your drain system and keep it running without problems.
Using Drain Cleaning Augers
A drain cleaning auger has a flexible, thick, long wire that enters your drains and pipes to chew through solidified and clogged materials. These tools directly reach the furthest ends of your drains and pipes to clean and remove content other methods cannot eradicate. Once you have an auger, insert it inside the drain and uncoil it while rolling from side-to-side removing clogs and mineral deposits until the drains are perfectly clean.
Using High-Pressure Water Jetting
If your drains and plumbing system are excessively clogged, high-pressure jetting will ideally get you sorted. It's a method that uses high-pressure water to clean excessively clogged drains and pipes. The machine creates a high pressure that is strong enough to penetrate pipes and drains, cutting through tough clogs and solidified mineral deposits.
Therefore, when your drain system suffers from the accumulation of stubborn elements like tree roots, grease, and gravel, pressure jetting will efficiently eradicate them.
Using Septic Drain Additives
Generally, your drain and septic systems contain ecosystems of living organisms that help them work as needed. However, to ensure your drain system works appropriately, consider introducing additives like organic solvents to help break down oils, fats, and greases, preventing slow drainage and clogging.
Besides organic solvents, biological drain additives like enzymes and yeast help improve the bacteria composition of your septic system. This way, they enable the draining tank to easily allow deposits and wastewater to flow, considering they break elements down into tiny pieces that pass through without clogging.
Contact a local plumber for more information on drain cleaning.
When you have a plumber come work on your home, we hope you thank them. Really, you should be thanking any contractor who works on your home, but we are a little partial to plumbers and happen to think they deserve a little more recognition. After all, the stuff inside the pipes they work on doesn't usually smell very good. And even though they wear gloves, they have to get pretty close to it! If you would like to learn a little more about plumbers, then we invite you to read this blog. After learning the basics, you'll really want to thank your plumbers!