Thank Your Plumbers — For Real!

Thank Your Plumbers — For Real!

Why Should You Consider Drainfield Restoration Instead Of Replacement?

by Bill Turner

What's more important: your septic system's tank or its drainfield? Clearly, this is a trick question since both elements are crucial to your system's safe and efficient operation. However, your drainfield is arguably the costlier and more valuable component. Tearing out an existing drainfield and replacing it with a new one can be expensive and often highly disruptive.

Unfortunately, many things can impact your drainfield's performance. Age can reduce a drainfield's ability to filter effluent adequately, but poor maintenance can sometimes bring down an otherwise healthy field. If your septic drainfield is on the verge of failure, here are three reasons to consider a restoration instead of a full replacement.

1. Less Disruption

Septic drainfields are relatively straightforward, but that doesn't mean installing one is easy. A typical drainfield consists of several trenches filled with drainage media (usually crushed stone) and perforated pipes for effluent distribution. Some additional equipment, such as a distribution box, is necessary to move the liquid waste from the tank to the field.

Installing a new septic drainfield means tearing out your old field and relocating it. Both operations require substantial excavation, which can damage your yard and cause significant disruption to your life. Depending on the best restoration method for your situation, drainfield restoration will typically require no excavation or significantly less excavation than a replacement.

2. Lower Cost

Numerous options are available for restoring a drainfield, from chemical solutions intended to break up bacterial mats to more intense aeration procedures. The cost and difficulty of these solutions can vary, but they're almost always far less expensive than tearing out the old drainfield. If you need to move your drainfield a significant distance, the replacement costs can be even higher.

Note that you should always work with a professional to restore your drainfield. Using chemical solutions yourself may target the wrong problem or cause additional issues. Instead, a professional plumber can help evaluate your situation to determine the most cost-effective approach. Working with an expert can be costly, but it will ultimately save you money by addressing the root of the problem.

3. Fewer Risks

A failed percolation test is one of the worst things that can happen when constructing a home on a new lot. Percolation (or "perc") tests judge whether the soil can adequately filter and drain effluent without flooding the surface and creating an environmental hazard. Unfortunately, failing drainfields often cannot pass a perc test.

If your current drainfield can't pass its perc test, there's a risk that other parts of your property may also be unsuitable for a new drainfield. As a result, moving your drainfield can be a risky and uncertain procedure that may require further remediation. Restoring your current drainfield through techniques such as aeration will cost less and ultimately incur less risk.

For more information, contact a drainfield restoration company near you.


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Thank Your Plumbers — For Real!

When you have a plumber come work on your home, we hope you thank them. Really, you should be thanking any contractor who works on your home, but we are a little partial to plumbers and happen to think they deserve a little more recognition. After all, the stuff inside the pipes they work on doesn't usually smell very good. And even though they wear gloves, they have to get pretty close to it! If you would like to learn a little more about plumbers, then we invite you to read this blog. After learning the basics, you'll really want to thank your plumbers!


